ORA-01221: data file string is not the same file to a background process ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-01221: data file string is not the same file to a background process

Cause: When the database writer opens the data file, it is accessing a different physical file than the foreground doing the recovery. The timestamp set in the file header by the foreground was not found by the background. It may be that the background process could not read the file at all.

Action: Look in the DBWR trace file for the error it recieved when attempting to read the file header. Reconfigure the operating system as needed to have the file name successfully access the same file when opened by a background process.



1. 检查数据文件是否被移动到其他地方,或者从此表空间中被删除。

2. 恢复数据文件到其原有位置,或者部署新文件到表空间。

3. 重新启动数据库实例,重新加载数据文件。

4. 再次运行数据库,检查文件块大小是否发生了更改。

5. 再次运行所有的后台进程,检查文件是否能够被正确启动和操作。

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文章名称:《ORA-01221: data file string is not the same file to a background process ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理》