ORA-29360: resource plan string contains multiple directives for subplan string ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-29360: resource plan string contains multiple directives for subplan string

Cause: A resource plan and its subplans had more than one directive for a particular subplan.

Action: Modify the resource plan or its subplans so that there is at most one directive for this subplan.

ORA-29360 是一个资源管理器错误,表明在资源计划字符串中包含了对子计划字符串的多个指令。


ORA-29360: resource plan string contains multiple directives for subplan string

Cause: The resource plan string contains more than one valid directive for the same subplan string.

Action: Check the syntax of the resource plan string. Ensure that only one valid directive pertaining to each subplan string is defined.


ORA-29360 错误常见于当您试图使用SQL*Plus定义一个包含多个指令的资源计划时,这是不允许的。





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文章名称:《ORA-29360: resource plan string contains multiple directives for subplan string ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理》