
redis中,我们可以通过`info clients`命令来查看当前的连接信息,这个命令会返回一个表格,包含了所有的客户端连接信息,包括IP地址、端口号、已读字节数、已写字节数等。, ,你需要打开Redis的服务器端,然后在命令行中输入`info clients`命令,如果你的Redis服务器设置了密码,你还需要先使用`AUTH`命令进行身份验证。,返回的结果可能如下:,`connected_clients:4`表示当前有4个客户端连接到Redis服务器,`client_longest_output_list:0`表示最长输出列表的长度为0,`client_biggest_input_buf:0`表示最大输入缓冲区的大小为0,`blocked_clients:0`表示没有阻塞的客户端。,如果你想查看特定客户端的详细信息,你可以使用`CLIENT list`命令,后面跟上客户端的ID。,返回的结果可能会包含客户端的详细信息,如IP地址、端口号、已读字节数、已写字节数等。,以下是四个与本文相关的问题及解答:, ,问题1:如何查看Redis服务器的最大连接数?,答:你可以通过`CONFIG GET maxclients`命令来查看Redis服务器的最大连接数。,这表示Redis服务器的最大连接数为16384。,问题2:如何查看Redis服务器的运行时间?,答:你可以通过`INFO GET timestamp`命令来查看Redis服务器的运行时间。,这表示Redis服务器开始运行的时间是2022年5月5日18点59分44秒。,问题3:如何查看Redis服务器的CPU使用率?, ,答:你可以通过`INFO CPU`命令来查看Redis服务器的CPU使用率。,“`bash,> INFO CPU,This is an aggregated report that includes the total number of queries served and the total amount of time spent serving them (seconds), as well as the current load (currently 0.00/sec). There are 4 sub-reports for each of the following: client, memory, query and latency. Here they are for all types/sub-types: client[0-9]+, memory[0-9]+, query[0-9]+, latency[0-9]+/sec:,Clients connected since last reset: 43884, Total connected clients (text files): 43884, Local connection count: 1, Total unanswered client calls in blocking mode during the last minute (approximate only): 0, Highest number of connections ever received from a single client: 184, Clients sending too many requests: 0, Aborted operations per second: 0, Locked memory per client: 0B, Maxmemory used by any one client: 0B, Total threads used for managing clients: 1, Maxthreads used for managing clients simultaneously: 128, Sent reply back to client within X seconds: N/A, Last reset in minutes: N/A, Last reset in seconds: N/A, Usec since last reset: N/A, Uptime since start in seconds: 1234567.234567, Working set size (bytes): N/A, Used Heap size (
bytes): N/A, Vmalloc maximum/allocation rate (bytes/sec): N/A, Tcp fast open success ratio: N/A, Blocking factor for slow consumer mqtt requests (TPS)/(requests/sec): N/A, Min thread stack size bytes / min reuse size bytes : N/A, Max thread stack size bytes / min reuse size bytes : N/A, Per thread cache hit rate (blks read / blks searched) : N/A, Global read hit rate / (conn x r/s) : N/A, Global write hit rate / (conn x w/s) : N/A, Writeback hit rate / (conn x wb/s) : N/A, Ave RTT (connect + recv) / ms or / conn x ms : N/A, Ave response time (connect + recv) / ms or / conn x ms : N/A, Client side tcp window scale factor : N/A, Concurrent streams outstanding : N/A, Client stream socket receive buffer size (bytes): N/A, Client stream socket send buffer size (bytes): N/A, Keepalive settings apply to stream sockets: yes / no / wait – default = wait for close, Stream socket send buffer size (bytes): N/A, Stream socket receive buffer size (bytes): N/A, Idle connect limit per address (connections every X minutes) : N/A, Idle read limit per address (connections every X minutes) : N/A, Idle write limit per address (connections every X minutes) : N/A, Per connection listener queue length limit (listeners every X minutes) : N/A, Per connection accept queue length limit (acceptors every X minutes) : N/A, To disable these notifications see the ‘notify-keyspace-events’ configuration option which is enabled by default on Windows and disabled on most *nix systems. For more information about the metrics displayed on this page visit The ‘–help’ option at the end of this page displays help about the available commands and options. Type ‘help’ for more information about a specific command or option.,

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