first major overhaulLinux迎来首次大规模改革(linuxgets)

Linux is a popular open source operating system developed by the Linux Kernel Organization and a large community of contributors around the world. It has been used in many applications, from mobile devices to supercomputers. Linux has always had a reputation for being reliable, secure, and efficient.

Recently, Linux underwent its first major overhaul in over a decade. The changes are significant and bring the operating system up to date in terms of functionality, performance, and stability. The updates include support for new hardware, security enhancements, and updates to existing drivers.

As part of the overhaul, the Linux Kernel was redesigned to be faster and more efficient. The developers reduced the complexity of the code, making the system more secure and enabling faster boot times. The changes also allowed for better scalability across different hardware platforms.

Additionally, the overhaul introduced several new features and tools. These include support for Docker, an open source container platform, and an improved system for managing Linux permissions. System administrators can now use the Linux AppArmor system to manage permissions, restrict access, and more.

The overhaul also included a focus on security. New security enhancements were added, including the ability to auto-lock user accounts after a period of inactivity and the enforcement of the principle of least privilege for user accounts. Additionally, the introduction of Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) makes it harder for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.

The overhaul also included support for modern features such as network isolation, improved system logging, and IPv6 support. Network isolation provides a secure environment for applications to run, while improved system logging makes it easier to debug performance issues.

Finally, the overhaul included the addition of several new programming language frameworks, such as Go, Rust, and Node.js. These new frameworks make it easier for developers to develop applications on top of Linux.

Overall, the first major overhaul of Linux in a decade has made it more reliable, secure, and secure, and enabled it to scale to a wide range of hardware. It has also made Linux easier to work with as a developer. By combining these updates with the existing open source software and development community, Linux has become a viable option for powering production-level applications.

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文章名称:《first major overhaulLinux迎来首次大规模改革(linuxgets)》