共 59 篇文章

标签:firewall 第2页


Redis,the full form of Remote Dictionary Server,is an open-source, distributed, in-memory, key-value data store. It’s not a traditional database, as it stores data in-memory for instant access. Redis offers a wide range of operations, from basic key-value operations to string, list, hash, set, and sorted set operations. Redis is often used as a caching solution to speed up access to data and reduce the burden on databases. There are various concepts in Redis which are essential for a Redis interview. These include data structures, hash tables, server architecture, clustering, security, distributed locks, and more. Preparing and understanding these concepts is very important for anyone who is looking for a job in the Redis domn. When it comes to acing the...



Redis保护模式(Redis Protection Mode)是一种基于Firewall技术的系统防卫机制,它可以有效屏蔽科学上网访问中出现的红色网站和不安全网站,有效地保护用户的私有信息,始终让用户拥有最安全的网络体验。 一般情况下,当用户在网络中访问一些恶意的网站或是不安全的网站时,就会受到攻击,有可能会被黑客盗取用户的账号信息等私密数据,为实现网络有效安全连接,Redis保护模式就出现了。Redis Protection Mode就是在客户端或服务端上加装Firewall,它可以阻止相应的恶意请求和恶意尝试,还可以有效地屏蔽黑客攻击工具、病毒、木马以及垃圾信息的渗透,从而保护客户的私密信息和私.这些保护模式可以通过设置一个策略来实现,该策略可以以域名的形式



Web Redis Connection Troubleshooting Flure Connecting to Redis can be a difficult task, especially when the connection fls. Being Redis a popular in-memory data store, the connection to web applications through Redis is often done directly or through a third-party library. In this article, we’ll look at some possible causes of Redis connection flures and how to troubleshoot them. The first thing to check is whether the Redis server is running. To do this, you can use the Redis command-line tool, redis-cli: “`text $ redis-cli ping PONG Another common cause of connection flure is misconfiguration of the Redis server. Generally, the configuration file for your Redis instance can be found in / etc / redis / redis.conf. Ensure that the...



Learning Linux:Perfect Skills for Advanced Development Linux is one of the most popular operating systems in the world today, and learning it can present a wealth of opportunities for developers, administrators and users alike. With the correct training and guidance, anyone can start to understand the basics of the Linux operating system and begin to master the tools and commands used to carry out tasks. For those that are seeking to take their Linux skills to the next level, there are certain skills that are essential for success. Below are some of the most important and useful skills that an aspiring Linux user should look to gain a better understanding of. 1. Bash Scripting: Bash, an acronym for the “Bourne...



No matter what kind of project generally uses Redis, it can bring a lot of convenience to the project, but sometimes unexpected problems may occur when connecting to the Redis server. In order to ensure the normal operation of Redis, this article will introduce some troubleshooting when connecting to Redis server fls. First of all, it is necessary to make sure that Redis server is installed correctly. We can log in to the server hosting Redis and execute the redis-cli.exe command to confirm whether it can be connected properly. If a connection exception occurs, it is usually due to an incorrect installation. If it is not a problem of installation, you can check the Redis server configuration file and check...


ptablesSecuring Linux System with SSH and IPTables(linuxsshi)

Linux is an open source server operating system that is widely used due to its stability and reliability. Although Linux is one of the most secure operating systems around, it is still vulnerable to cyber attacks and malicious activities if left unprotected. Before you deploy any Linux system, it is important to ensure that it is safe and secure from unauthorized access and potential threats. In order to secure the Linux OS, you must use the built-in security features such as SSH and IPTables. SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol for secure communication over an unsecured network. SSH allows you to safely log into a remote machine and execute commands. It encrypts all communication between the client and server, making...


警告:Linux 覆盖危险!(linux提示覆盖)

Warning:Linux is Dangerous! Linux is a powerful, graphical operating system. It can be used for a variety of tasks, from web development to gaming to simply browsing the internet. Since its creation in 1991, it has become the preferred operating system for both enterprises and individuals. But while Linux is popular and powerful, it comes with its own set of risks. Security vulnerabilities, malicious code, and other threats can put your system at risk. If you’re using Linux, it’s important to be aware of the threats it poses and how to protect yourself against them. One of the biggest threats to Linux is malware. Malware is virus-like software designed to gain access to your system and steal your data. To...



Linux系统的最大优势之一是它的稳定性和强大的保护能力。因其所提供的高级保护及系统完整性,可以使你知道哪些文件受到侵害了,修复被侵害的文件也变得简单。此外,Linux系统提供了一种利用命令行终端来进行修复的方法,这对于防止数据丢失和有效保护安全极为有效。 首先,要保护你的数据安全,可以使用Linux系统的stat命令,该命令可以让您轻松地跟踪系统当前的文件状态,也可以查看每个文件的权限,以及相关的文件属性等。例如,可以使用以下代码来验证文件的权限: stat -c %a my_file.ext 该代码可以获取my_file.ext文件的权限。 另外,用户也可以使用Linux系统的chmod命令,来修改文件的权限、属主以及群组。通过这种方法,用户可以确保只有自己或者指定的用户具有对文件的访问权限,从而有效保护文件安全。例如: sudo chmod -R u+rwx my_file.ext 该代码将授权用户有可以读取、写入或执行my_file.ext文件的权限。 此外,Linux系统还提供了一系列的内置安全功能,可以有效保护你的数据安全。它利用PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules)及其他安全功能,如SELinux,Firewall,等等来保护文件,可以防止未经授权的用户读取或操作你的数据,这样可以有效地对你的数据进行保护。 总之,要使用Linux系统修复命令保护你的数据安全,首先要了解那些文件是受到侵害的,以及了解如何使用Linux系统提供的命令,如stat命令、chmod命令等,来查看文件的权限等,并利用Linux的内置安全功能,有效的保护你的数据。



Linux端口连接异常:排查与解决方案 随着网络技术的发展,建立稳定及安全的端口连接已经成为了很多开发者或安全专家的目标。Linux操作系统中,经常会遇到端口连接异常的问题,因此,本文将介绍如何正确排查及解决Linux端口连接异常。 首先,让我们来排查一下端口连接异常问题,最常见的方法是使用“netstat -l” 命令,它可以列出当前系统中正在监听的所有端口,如果某一个端口没有列出来,说明这个端口没有正确被正常监听,从而造成了端口连接错误 。 有时候,可以使用“netstat -t” 命令来查看当前系统中的TCP连接,如果端口的连接超时了,便会导致端口连接异常。 接下来,让我们来看看Linux 端口连接异常的解决方案。首先,检查端口是否已经正确的开放,如果没有正确的开放,可以使用Firewall 或iptables命令来开放指定的端口。 其次,可以使用tcpdump来查看网络流量,发现网络出现了什么问题,从而排查导致端口连接异常的原因。 最后,可以尝试使用nmap进行端口扫描,来查看端口是否处于正常的监听状态,因为有时端口开放了,但是没有处于正常的监听状态。 总之,Linux端口连接异常主要是由于端口没有正确的打开或者处于监听状态,为了解决此问题,我们需要进行正确的排查,并且使用Firewall,iptables,tcpdump和nmap等工具来正确的开放和检测端口。



Linux是一个开放性操作系统,它常用来抓取UDP数据包。但是,由于UDP为连接无关协议,普通的网络方式根本不能完成数据抓取,因而,Linux抓取UDP数据包需要使用一些技巧和技术。 通常,Linux抓取UDP数据的一种实现方式是使用libpcap包,它提供了一个基本的库来抓取网络数据包,并且提供了一个API,可以让开发者可以在自己程序中使用它。libpcap支持各种网络协议,并且,它还提供了可靠的网络协议,确保抓取的数据时详细准确的,这是Linux抓取UDP数据包的必要条件。 另外一种抓取UDP数据包的途径,是使用socket网络编程技术,它能够实现数据字节的接收和发送,从而建立新的UDP连接。具体的实现代码如下: int main() { int fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (fd print ("Error creating socket\n"); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in server_addr; memset (&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = ntohs (UDP_PORT); inet_aton (UDP_SERVER_IP, &server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr); int ret = bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)); if (ret print ("Error binding server socket\n"); return -1; } char buf[BUF_SIZE]; memset (buf, 0, BUF_SIZE); while (1) { int n = recvfrom (fd, buf, BUF_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL); if (n print ("Error receiving packets\n"); continue; } /* 数据处理 */ // 具体的处理代码 // ... } close (fd); return 0; } 最后,Linux抓取UDP数据包还可以使用iptables来实现。iptables是非常强大的Linux抓取网络数据包的工具。iptables提供了一个高优先级的firewall,可以过滤网络数据包,并且可以把UDP数据包发送到指定的程序上,以实现数据抓取的目的。 具体的实现方法: iptables -A INPUT -p udp -s xx.xx.xx.xx --dport xxxx -j NFQUEUE 其中,xx.xx.xx.xx表示要抓取数据报的来源ip, –dport表示抓取的udp端口号。 因此,Linux抓取UDP数据包的主要技巧就是使用libpcap、socket网络编程和iptables等工具,为网络应用程序提供所需要的数据报文。也就是说,这些技术可以帮助开发者实现Linux抓取UDP数据包的功能,以满足特定网络应用程序的需求。
