共 59 篇文章

标签:firewall 第5页

Exploring the Powerful Synergy of Linux and C Programming(Linux和c)

Linux and C programming have a strong synergy, which makes them ideal for developing efficient and reliable software. Linux is an open-source operating system that has been widely adopted by developers around the world. C is a powerful programming language that has been used to build some of the most popular software applications today. In this article, we will explore the powerful synergy of Linux and C programming and highlight some of the benefits of using these technologies together. Linux is a highly flexible and customizable operating system. As an open-source software, developers have the freedom to modify the Linux kernel to suit their specific needs. This flexibility enables programmers to create highly optimized software that can run on various...


探索RH Linux:开拓新纪元(rhlinux)

随着科技的飞速发展,RH Linux正在引领着广大技术用户进入一个新纪元。它提供了优雅的界面、强大的驱动和基本的实用工具,正在用一种全新的方式改变技术用户的使用习惯。 RH Linux最大的优势之一就是它拥有丰富的软件资源库,涵盖了几乎所有已知的应用程序和组件,可以满足用户对软件资源的需求。而且它允许用户根据自己的需求进行选择和安装,不需要购买额外的软件,大大降低了用户的使用成本。 此外,RH Linux的安全体系十分完善,使用类似SELinux的机制,将系统进行细粒度管理,可以防止外来行为对系统的侵袭和破坏。另外,它还支持容器技术,可以把应用程序和服务放在不同的容器里,通过统一的管理机制,有效管理网络中所有的节点,从而提高整个系统的安全性能。 当然,RH Linux不仅仅有这些功能,比如它还提供了一个简单易用的编程工具,用户只需要编辑一段简单的代码就可以使用RH Linux的能力,例如: # Init vars export SERVICE_NAME=”nodejs” export SERVICE_PORT=”3000″ # Start the service service $SERVICE_NAME start # Open the port for the service firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=$SERVICE_PORT/tcp # Check the service service $SERVICE_NAME status 这段代码可以自动启动nodejs服务,打开3000端口,并且可以查看服务的状态,显然这是一个很实用的工具。 总而言之,RH Linux已经开启了一个新的技术时代,它拥有丰富的软件资源库、安全可靠的系统体系、简单易用的编程工具,一旦真正掌握这一系统,就可以获得无限的可能性。


X80H Linux:A Powerful OS for Every User.(x80hlinux)

Linux is an operating system that has been around for more than twenty-five years, and with it the X80H Linux has emerged. It provides an open-source platform which is powerful, secure and free from the restrictions of a corporate controlled platform like Windows or Mac OS. It has gained popularity among users across the world, because of its flexibility and customizable features. X80H Linux is a strong operating system that provides users with a reliable and secure platform. It comes with a complete range of tools and applications including open source software, which enables users to develop and distribute applications that are compatible with the system. The user interface is also very efficient and its firewall protection keeps the system...



Firewall is a set of related rules and/or programs designed to prevent unauthorized access to your system, including network access, data bases and other types of general system services. For Linux system, there are some utilities that can provide firewall protection. In this article, I will show you how to use the iptables command to disable the Linux system firewall. Before we start, make sure you have root (or sudo) access to the system. The first step to disabling the Linux system firewall is to flush all existing rules: iptables -F To remove all your chains (INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT): iptables -X The third step is to set the default policy for all three chains to “ACCEPT” (instead of “DROP”): iptables...


Tuning Linux Network Performance with Tun Devices(linuxtun设备)

Tuning Linux Network Performance with Tun Devices has become a critical aspect of network engineering. With the emergence of virtualization, the need for high-performance network solutions has become much more of an issue in recent years. Tun devices are used to optimize the performance of networks and optimize their throughput. By using Tun devices with Linux, network engineers can set certain parameters to maximize the performance of their Linux systems. Tun devices are virtualized network interfaces that allow users to set a number of parameters to optimize Linux network performance. One of the settings is a tun_dev_mtu setting, which is a maximum transmission size of a packet that can be sent through a tun device. By setting this to a...


学习如何在SELinux中增加用户 (selinux 增加用户)

SELinux是一个MAC(Mandatory Access Control)系统,它充当了Linux操作系统中的安全增强层。这种安全性是通过强制访问控制来实现的,这意味着它限制了操作系统上的资源访问,包括用户、进程、文件和目录等。 在SELinux中,增加一个用户需要以下步骤。 之一步:创建一个新的Linux用户 在SELinux中增加用户之前,您需要在Linux中创建一个新的用户。这可以通过使用“useradd”命令完成,如下所示: “` sudo useradd “` 请确保将上面的替换为您要创建的新用户的实际名称。 第二步:将用户添加到SELinux策略 一旦您在Linux中创建了一个新的用户,接下来的步骤是将该用户添加到SELinux策略中。您可以使用以下命令将用户添加到称为“unconfined_u”的SELinux用户中: “` sudo semanage login -a -s unconfined_u “` 请注意,在上面的命令中,“-a”选项表示添加一个新用户,“-s”选项表示为该用户指定一个SELinux用户。 第三步:切换用户并进行测试 完成前两个步骤后,您现在可以切换到新用户并进行测试以确保该用户已正确地添加到SELinux中。要登录到新用户,请使用以下命令: “` su – “` 现在,您可以使用“id”命令验证该用户是否已添加到SELinux策略中: “` id -Z “` 命令输出应该包含以下行: “` unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 “` 这意味着您的新用户已被正确添加到SELinux策略中,并且已分配了正确的上下文标签。如果没有出现此行,您可能需要重新执行步骤二。 结论 相关问题拓展阅读: vsftp 如何登陆 vsftp 如何登陆 一、检查是否安装了vsftpd, rpm -qa |grep vsftp   二、新建用户   useradd test -g root -d /mpeg -s /in/nologin #该用户仅用来支持FTP服务,因此不必让他登录系统   注:改变用户的shell命令为usermod -s /in/nologin coship   三、设置密码   passwd test # 连续输入两次密码   四、修改SELinux参数   setsebool ftpd_disable_trans 1   service vsftpd restart   说明:如果不修改,连接时会提示   500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/mpeg   500 OOPS: child died   五、修改/mpeg权限   chmod 775 /mpeg   六、设置/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf   将祥手anonymous_enable=NO,这样可以限制匿名用户登录。   local_enable=YES #启用本地用户登录   write_enable=YES #设置可以进行写操作   local_umask=022 #设定上传后文件的权限掩码   userlist_enable=YES #启用用户登录控制   local_root=/mpeg (路径自定义)#定义所有本地用户的根目录。当本地用户登入时,将被更换到此目录下。谨滑嫌(注释则访问该用户自己目录)   否则访问其它目录时会提示:550 Failed to change directory.   chroot_local_user=NO   chroot_list_enable=YES   chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list #指出被锁定在自家目录中的用户的列表文件。文件格式为一行一用户。   注意:   当chroot_local_user=NO、chroot_list_enable=YES时,chroot_list中用户为锁定用户,即他们除了自己的目录,不可以访问其他目录。   当chroot_local_user=YES、chroot_list_enable=YES时,chroot_list中用户为非锁定用户,他们可以访问任何其他目录。   七、设置vsftpd自动启动   chkconfig vsftpd on 或   运行ntsysv将vsftpd选上 或...



Linux是一种开放源码的操作系统,由内核和许多实现Linux哲学的应用程序组成。它在许多方面都有优势以超越其他受欢迎的操作系统。 第一,Linux操作系统是免费的,而且可以定制。Linux是开源的,因此任何人都可以查看、编辑和增强系统,从而满足具体的业务需求,而且不会出现任何版权问题。另外,许多Linux发 and distributions; are available as open source, as well as as commercial distributions. Some vendors also provide support and services. Second,Linux is highly secure and reliable. Many of the underlying security features in Linux are built into the core of the system and require little maintenance once the system is configured and the appropriate security tools are added. Linux also comes with a powerful firewall that can easily manage network access, as well as with a wide range of access control commands. Linux also provides solid system-level encryption, allowing for secure communication. Third,Linux provides scalability. The wide range of distributions and command-line tools means the system can easily adapt to different workflows, environments, and infrastructures. Additionally, the system...



Linux防火墙对网络安全及应用程序等具有重要作用。但有时候,由于一些特定操作需求,我们可能会需要关闭Linux防火墙。那么我们该如何关闭Linux防火墙呢? 要关闭Linux防火墙,可以使用iptables或firewalld,两者的操作方法有所不同。 Iptables:在CentOS 7下使用iptables,我们可以使用以下命令将默认链上的所有接受规则替换为拒绝: $ sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT\ $ sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT\ $ sudo iptables -F 其中-P INPUT ACCEPT是把默认链上所有收入包拉取拒绝,-P OUTPUT ACCEPT是所有输出链接拒绝,-F是清空所有规则。 此外,还可以使用以下命令来永久保持关闭状态: $ sudo service iptables save Firewalld:Firewalld是RHEL 7/CentOS 7新加入的管理和配置iptables的工具,它可以更容易的管理iptables。我们也可以使用以下命令将规则禁用: $ sudo firewall-cmd –state\ $ 在此返回:running $ sudo systemctl disable firewalld 其中–state是查询防火墙状态,systemctl disable firewalld是禁用firewalld服务,防火墙会处于关闭状态。 需要注意的是,关闭Linux防火墙会造成严重的安全漏洞,如果不是特殊需要,不建议使用关闭操作。此外,在禁用Linux防火墙之前,还需要做好安全备份,以确保安全问题能够得到妥善解决。



Linux Netwoking Configuration Exploration Linux is the widely used operating system all over the world. With the development of technology, the structure and needs of Linux Networking Configuration keep growing and changing. In this paper, I will explore the world of Linux Networking Configuration. First, we need to understand what is Linux Networking Configuration. Simply put, it is a set of rules and processes for setting up a computer network in application of Linux. We need to understand the basics of IP configuration and routing, plus multiple optional features like the graphical user interface and the command line, to configure a Linux network. Then, let’s move on to some common Linux Networking configurations. Normally, when you configure a Linux-based computer,...


30个常用的Linux相关英文单词一览 (linux相关英文单词)

30 Essential Linux Terms You Need to Know As a Linux user, it’s important to be familiar with some of the essential terms and concepts that are commonly used within the operating system. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out with Linux or an experienced user looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide will give you an overview of 30 of the most commonly used Linux-related terms and their meanings. 1. Kernel – The core component of the Linux operating system. 2. Terminal – An interface that allows users to interact with the Linux command-line. 3. Bash – A popular shell for the Linux command-line. 4. Distribution – A variant of the Linux operating system that is packaged and released...
